/[Update: Its back] Titanium Backup suspended from Play Store due to permission issues – Android Police

[Update: Its back] Titanium Backup suspended from Play Store due to permission issues – Android Police

Titanium Backup is a name most of you probably haven’t heard of in a while, but there’s still a small fanbase that uses it. Much to many fans’ surprise, the app was seemingly removed from the Play Store earlier today. As it turns out, Google suspended Titanium Backup from the Play Store for problems pertaining to permissions.

The app’s developers explained that they removed some permissions to conform to the Play Store’s SMS/call log policy, though things obviously didn’t go as planned. In the meantime, if you have to download Titanium Backup right now, the latest APK (uploaded today) is available for download on APK Mirror.

There have been some interesting developments regarding Titanium Backup since yesterday. The official Google Play Apps & Games Twitter account replied to Titanium Backup on Twitter by saying that the suspension doesn’t have to do with the aforementioned SMS/call log permissions.

According to the email that Google Play sent to Titanium Backup, the app violates section 4.9 of the Google Play Developer Distribution Program, which reads as follows:

You will not engage in any activity with Google Play, including making Your Products available via Google Play, that interferes with, disrupts, damages, or accesses in an unauthorized manner the devices, servers, networks, or other properties or services of any third party including, but not limited to, Google or any Authorized Provider. You may not use user information obtained via Google Play to sell or distribute Products outside of Google Play.

As for why exactly Titanium Backup’s been suspended, we still don’t have a concrete answer. Last we heard, the devs filed an appeal request with Google. The Titanium Backup Twitter account is still retweeting fans’ pleas like mad, but we’ll update this post when more information comes out.

Titanium Backup has returned to the Play Store. According to the below Twitter post, the app was removed for a few different reasons, including improperly declaring what certain permissions were used for and linking to root instructions.

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